Interested in FMCG?
Want to find out how FM Logistic can help you meet the challenges of FMCG? Contact us and we will find the right solutions for you!
An American multinational confectionery and snack food company.
Volatile workloads during peak seasons. The client requested a flexible supply chain to respond to regular changes in output and added complexity to operate warehouse management processes normally with regulations on distance in a pandemic context with extended travel time, and disease prevention.
To solve the challenges of our FMCG client, FM Logistic partnered with Smartlog a company specialised in information technology solutions for logistics operations with the objective to quickly digitize warehouse operations.
Implementation of technology solutions to simplify procedures and maximize the productivity of operations through the deployment of a software-as-a-service (SaaS) warehouse management solution.
Warehouse management solution with data-centricity:
Outbound Management
Inbound Management
Inventory Management
Dashboard & Report
Pallet positions
CBM outbound per day
Want to find out how FM Logistic can help you meet the challenges of FMCG? Contact us and we will find the right solutions for you!
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